Stop Wasting So Much Time

If you believe that you are working efficiently and your productivity is pretty good, you can still improve your productivity by setting your goals and aiming at them.

Checking email must have a deadline attached to it. Writing a blog post must have a deadline attached to it. Setting up a website must have a deadline attached to it. Writing a sales letter must have a deadline attached to it.

In the wake of all these companies crashing, the USA has implemented tough legislation regarding the storage of email, voicemail and sms texts. That means that the information in a three year old email must be easily retrievable upon request. Australia is already facing the same issue.

When you focus on the lessons you're learning instead of the irritation you're experiencing improving productivity you'll be in much better shape to respond to the workplace conflict in a positive manner.

To date, I and my colleagues have helped over four thousand people deal with this productivity issue, and the biggest benefit they feed back to us is a greater sense of control over their work.

Statistics are not as complex as you might think. In this context, I use the word simply to mean keeping records and monitoring the trends of your daily activities to see how you spend your most valuable resources.

Your long term focus should be on building systems within your this site business. Instead of chasing after one new money making idea after another (trust me I've been there) you need to buckle down and create systems. Then when you find a new way to make money in your business you can systematize it and move on.

We all enter the world wired for productivity and success. Sometimes factors can get in the way of this eventuality by distracting us from what we are supposed to do. Each and every person has something that they enjoy doing and is of value to somebody else. If you can cultivate this skill, of simply doing what you enjoy, then you will be infinitely productive and infinitely successful. It only requires one step.

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